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Additional Material on TSE


Additional tests include: X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, blood tests for tumor markers, a few of those include Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP), Human Chorionic Ganadotropin (HCG) Lactate Dehydrogenese (LDH) and possibly a biopsy.


Signs and Symptoms:


These include:


-A lump in one or both of the testicles

-Ache in the lower back, pelvis or groin area

-Heaviness or feeling of swelling in the scrotum

-Collection of fluid in the scrotum

-Discomfort and pain in the scrotum 

-Blood in the sperm during ejaculation

-Discharge from the penis


Males with high risk factors such as un descended testicles, family or personal history should perform T S E monthly.

The Epididymis is the hard structure located in the back of the testicles.

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